ID Skate – Tryout Procedure
ID Skates consist of a combination of skating/skills, small area games and scrimmages to determine the skill level of players.
Once the ID skates are completed, players will be informed if they made the team privately.
If a player is unable to attend a skate, let us know and alternate options may be explored.
Attributes considered when selecting our teams:
Skill Level
Work Ethic
Hockey IQ
Play-Style/Fit with Team
Parent Attitude/Behaviour
Though skill level is the biggest factor in determining whether a player becomes a Phantom, it is not the only one. Our organization prides itself on creating an environment for ALL of our players to to reach their potential. If we feel that a player/family may negatively impact the culture of our teams and the development of others, we will not select that player, regardless of talent/skill.
Want to apply to Coach?
Email us and provide the following information:
Name/Age/Contact Information
Position you are interested in
Relevant Coaching and/or Playing Experience
Certification and Training
Coaching Philosophy
Those selected to move on will be contacted for an interview.